35 Easy One-Word Spanish Sentences for Beginners

Learning a new language can be daunting, but breaking it into manageable pieces makes the journey enjoyable and less overwhelming.

One effective way to start is by mastering simple, one-word sentences. These are easy to remember, versatile, and can significantly boost your confidence in using Spanish daily.

In this article, we’ll explore 35 easy one-word Spanish sentences you can use immediately. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to reinforce your foundational skills, these sentences will help you easily navigate basic conversations.

The Power of One-Word Sentences

One-word sentences are powerful tools in language learning. They encapsulate essential communication elements, making it easier for learners to remember and use them in everyday situations. Mastering these one-word sentences builds a strong foundation that can be expanded into more complex sentences over time.

These simple sentences are beneficial in various contexts, such as responding to questions, making requests, expressing emotions, and seeking information. They are the building blocks of communication, helping you feel more comfortable and confident in your interactions.

1. (Yes)

  • Usage: To affirm or agree.

  • Example:

    • Q: ¿Quieres café?

    • A: Sí.

2. No (No)

  • Usage: To negate or disagree.

  • Example:

    • Q: ¿Vas a la fiesta?

    • A: No.

3. ¡Hola! (Hello!)

  • Usage: Greeting.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Hola!

    • Person 2: ¡Hola!

4. ¡Adiós! (Goodbye!)

  • Usage: Farewell.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Adiós!

    • Person 2: ¡Adiós!

5. Gracias (Thank you)

  • Usage: Expressing gratitude.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Aquí tienes.

    • Person 2: Gracias.

6. Perdón (Sorry/Excuse me)

  • Usage: Apologizing or asking for pardon.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Perdón, no te vi.

    • Person 2: Está bien.

7. ¡Ay! (Ouch!/Wow!)

  • Usage: Expressing pain or surprise.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Ay! Me duele.

    • Person 2: ¿Estás bien?

8. ¿Quién? (Who?)

  • Usage: Asking about a person.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Alguien llamó.

    • Person 2: ¿Quién?

9. ¿Qué? (What?)

  • Usage: Asking for information.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Tengo una sorpresa.

    • Person 2: ¿Qué?

10. ¿Dónde? (Where?)

  • Usage: Asking about a location.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Vamos a la playa.

    • Person 2: ¿Dónde?

11. Por favor (Please)

  • Usage: Making a polite request.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¿Me pasas el azúcar?

    • Person 2: Por favor.

12. ¡Cuidado! (Careful!)

  • Usage: Warning someone.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Cuidado! Está resbaloso.

    • Person 2: Gracias.

13. ¡Felicidades! (Congratulations!)

  • Usage: Celebrating someone's success.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Gané el premio.

    • Person 2: ¡Felicidades!

14. ¡Auxilio! (Help!)

  • Usage: Calling for help.

  • Example:

    • Person 1 ¡Auxilio! Estoy atrapado.

    • Person 2: Voy para allá.

15. ¿Cuándo? (When?)

  • Usage: Asking about time.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Tenemos una reunión.

    • Person 2: ¿Cuándo?

16. ¡Bien! (Good!/Well!)

  • Usage: Expressing satisfaction or approval.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Terminé mi trabajo.

    • Person 2: ¡Bien!

17. ¿Cómo? (How?)

  • Usage: Asking for an explanation or method.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Hice esto rápido.

    • Person 2: ¿Cómo?

Before continuing… a quick question for ya.

Do you want to boost your Spanish Vocabulary?

While mastering these one-word sentences is a fantastic start, expanding your vocabulary is essential to becoming truly fluent. To help you on this journey, we have a free course explicitly designed to get you started supercharging your Spanish vocabulary: Spanish Vocabulary Booster.

This course is packed with practical tips and exercises to help you learn new words effectively. By signing up, you'll gain access to:

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18. ¡Claro! (Of course!/Sure!)

  • Usage: Agreeing or affirming something clearly.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¿Vienes conmigo?

    • Person 2: ¡Claro!

19. ¿Por qué? (Why?)

  • Usage: Asking for a reason or cause.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: No quiero ir.

    • Person 2: ¿Por qué?

20. ¡Listo! (Ready!/Done!)

  • Usage: Indicating readiness or completion.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¿Estás listo?

    • Person 2: ¡Listo!

21. Tal vez (Maybe)

  • Usage: Expressing uncertainty or possibility.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¿Vendrás mañana?

    • Person 2: Tal vez.

22. ¡Perfecto! (Perfect!)

  • Usage: Expressing something is ideal or satisfactory.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Todo salió bien.

    • Person 2: ¡Perfecto!

23. ¡Genial! (Great!/Awesome!)

  • Usage: Expressing enthusiasm or approval.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Conseguí el trabajo.

    • Person 2: ¡Genial!

24. ¿Cuánto? (How much?)

  • Usage: Asking about quantity or price.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Quiero comprar esto.

    • Person 2: ¿Cuánto?

25. ¡Vamos! (Let's go!/Come on!)

  • Usage: Encouraging action or movement.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Ya es hora.

    • Person 2: ¡Vamos!

26. ¡Silencio! (Silence!/Quiet!)

  • Usage: Calling for quietness.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Silencio! Estamos estudiando.

    • Person 2: Lo siento.

27. ¡Ánimo! (Cheer up!/Encouragement)

  • Usage: Offering encouragement or support.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Estoy cansado.

    • Person 2: ¡Ánimo!

28. ¿Verdad? (Right?/Isn't it?)

  • Usage: Seeking confirmation or agreement.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Está bien así, ¿verdad?

    • Person 2: Sí.

29. ¡Rápido! (Quick!/Hurry!)

  • Usage: Urging speed or haste.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Tenemos que irnos.

    • Person 2: ¡Rápido!

30. ¿Cuántos? (How many?)

Usage: Asking about number or quantity.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Tengo manzanas.

    • Person 2: ¿Cuántos?

31. ¡Excelente! (Excellent!)

  • Usage: Expressing something is of high quality.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: La comida está deliciosa.

    • Person 2: ¡Excelente!

32. ¡Mira! (Look!)

  • Usage: Drawing attention to something.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Mira! Un arcoíris.

    • Person 2: ¡Qué bonito!

33. ¡Socorro! (Help!)

  • Usage: Calling for urgent assistance.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: ¡Socorro! Alguien se cayó.

    • Person 2: Voy para allá.

34. ¿Cuándo? (When?)

  • Usage: Asking about time or schedule.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: Haré la tarea.

    • Person 2: ¿Cuándo?

35. ¡Vamos! (Come on!/Let's go!)

  • Usage: Encouraging someone to proceed or start.

  • Example:

    • Person 1: No quiero ir solo.

    • Person 2: ¡Vamos!


Language learning is a journey; starting with simple, manageable steps can make a huge difference. These 35 easy one-word Spanish sentences provide a strong foundation for essential communication, helping you build confidence and fluency over time.

Remember, consistency is key. Use these sentences in your daily interactions, and don’t forget to sign up for our Spanish Vocabulary Booster to continue expanding your vocabulary and improving your Spanish skills.

¡Buena suerte y feliz aprendizaje! (Good luck and happy learning!)


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