A Guide to Ordering Drinks in Mexican Spanish

Welcome back to the Mexican Fluency Blog!

As you embark on your journey to master the Spanish language, we're here to enhance your cultural experience by delving into the art of ordering drinks in Mexican Spanish at a bar.

From beers on tap to craft brews, refreshing cocktails, and spirited shots, this guide will equip you with the language skills to confidently navigate the vibrant world of Mexican beverages. So, let's raise our glasses and dive into the essentials of ordering drinks like a local!

1. Beers on Tap

Phrase: "Una cerveza de barril, por favor" (One draft beer, please).

Start your drink journey with a classic by asking for a beer on tap.

For size options, request "Una cerveza de barril mediana" (A medium draft beer) or "Una cerveza de barril grande" (A large draft beer). The bartender will happily serve you a fresh, cold beer straight from the tap.

2. Craft Beers

Phrase: "¿Qué cervezas artesanales tienen?" (What craft beers do you have?).

Immerse yourself in Mexico's craft beer culture by exploring the exciting selection of artisanal brews. With this phrase, you can inquire about the available craft beer options and discover unique and flavorful choices.

3. Cocktails

Phrase: "Una margarita, por favor" (One margarita, please).

Indulge in the world of cocktails by starting with the iconic margarita. If you're craving other popular choices like piña colada or mojito, simply replace "margarita" with the name of your desired cocktail when ordering.

4. Shots

Phrase: "Un chupito de (insert liquor name)" (A shot of [liquor name]).

For an extra kick, request a shot of your preferred liquor. Whether it's "Un chupito de tequila" (A shot of tequila) or "Un chupito de mezcal" (A shot of mezcal), be ready to savor intense flavors and warm sensations.

5. Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Phrase: "Un refresco" (A soft drink).

If you prefer non-alcoholic beverages, Mexican bars have you covered. Quench your thirst with "Un refresco" or for a fruity alternative, opt for "Un jugo" (A juice) to enjoy a variety of fresh fruit concoctions.

6. Recommendations

Phrases: "¿Cuál es tu especialidad?" (What is your specialty?) or…

"¿Qué me recomiendas?" (What do you recommend?).

Embrace the adventurous spirit of Mexican Fluency by seeking the bartender's recommendation. With these phrases, you might uncover hidden gems or local favorites that will enrich your drink experience.

7. Paying the Bartender: Cash, Card, and Tips

After enjoying your drinks, it's time to settle the bill with the bartender. Understanding the payment options and tipping etiquette is essential to complete your bar experience smoothly. Here's what you need to know:

Payment Methods:

In most Mexican bars, you'll find that both cash and card payments are widely accepted. When you're ready to pay, you can use the following phrases:

- Cash: "¿Cuánto es en efectivo?" (How much is it in cash?)

- Card: "¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito/débito?" (Do you accept credit/debit cards?)

The bartender will inform you of the total amount due, and you can choose your preferred payment method accordingly.

Tipping Etiquette

Tipping in Mexico is customary and appreciated, as it is an important part of the service industry. While not mandatory, leaving a tip shows your gratitude for the bartender's service. Here are some tips on tipping:

Cash Tips:

If you're paying in cash, leaving a cash tip directly on the bar is common. A standard tip is usually around 10-15% of the total bill, but you can adjust the amount based on the level of service you received.

Card Tips:

Some establishments offer the option to add a tip when paying with a card. You can choose a percentage or a specific amount to add to your bill as a tip.


When handing over the tip, you can say "Gracias" (Thank you) to express your appreciation for the bartender's service.

Note: Some high-end bars and restaurants may include a service charge, in which case a tip is already accounted for in the bill. It's always a good idea to check the receipt to see if a service charge has been added before tipping additionally.

Politeness and Respect:

In Mexican culture, politeness and respect are crucial when interacting with bartenders and other staff. Using phrases like "por favor" (please) and "gracias" (thank you) throughout your interaction demonstrates your courteousness and leaves a positive impression.

Final Thoughts

Now armed with the knowledge of payment methods and tipping etiquette, you can gracefully conclude your bar experience in Mexico. Whether you choose to pay in cash or card and leave a tip or not, your understanding of these customs will reflect your cultural fluency and appreciation for the local traditions.

So, enjoy your drinks responsibly, interact with the bartender politely, and embrace the vibrant culture of Mexico as you raise your glass to unforgettable moments.

¡Salud y buen provecho!


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