House Vocabulary in Mexican Spanish: Every Word You Need to Know!

¡Hola, amigos de Mexican Fluency!

Today, we’re diving into an essential topic for anyone learning Mexican Spanish: vocabulary for different parts of the house.

Knowing the right words will make your conversations much more fluent and authentic, whether you’re talking about your cozy bedroom, bustling kitchen, or peaceful backyard.

Without further ado, let's explore the key vocabulary you need for each house area in Mexican Spanish!

Bedroom (Recámara)

The bedroom, or recámara, is your personal sanctuary. It’s where you rest, relax, and recharge for the day ahead.

Knowing the right vocabulary in Mexican Spanish for this space will help you describe your daily routines and ensure you can talk comfortably about your personal space.

  • Cama - Bed

  • Almohada - Pillow

  • Sábana - Sheet

  • Cobija / Manta - Blanket

  • Colchón - Mattress

  • Ropero / Armario - Closet

  • Cómoda - Dresser

  • Espejo - Mirror

  • Buró / Mesita de noche - Nightstand

  • Lámpara - Lamp

Bathroom (Baño)

The bathroom, or baño, is where you prepare to face the day.

It’s a vital part of your home, and having the right vocabulary in Mexican Spanish will make it easier to confidently discuss your hygiene and self-care routines.

  • Inodoro - Toilet

  • Lavabo - Sink

  • Espejo - Mirror

  • Regadera - Shower

  • Bañera / Tina - Bathtub

  • Toalla - Towel

  • Jabón - Soap

  • Champú - Shampoo

  • Papel higiénico - Toilet paper

  • Cepillo de dientes - Toothbrush

Living Room (Sala)

The living room, or sala, is where you relax and entertain guests. It’s often the heart of the home where families gather to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.

Knowing the right terms in Mexican Spanish will help you describe this shared space and all its comforts.

  • Sofá - Sofa

  • Sillón - Armchair

  • Mesa de centro - Coffee table

  • Televisión / La tele - Television

  • Estante / Librero - Shelf / Bookcase

  • Alfombra - Rug

  • Cortinas - Curtains

  • Cuadro - Picture/painting

  • Lámpara de pie - Floor lamp

  • Ventana - Window

Oye, amigos… one quick thing before we move on to the next section:

Do you want to add 50 new Spanish words to your vocabulary every single week?

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Kitchen (Cocina)

The kitchen is the heart of many homes. It’s where meals are prepared, and families often come together.

Here’s your essential kitchen vocabulary in Mexican Spanish to help you talk about cooking and food preparation like a native.

  • Refrigerador / Refri - Refrigerator

  • Estufa - Stove

  • Horno - Oven

  • Microondas - Microwave

  • Fregadero - Sink

  • Licuadora - Blender

  • Tostador - Toaster

  • Olla - Pot

  • Sartén - Frying pan

  • Cuchillo - Knife

  • Tenedor - Fork

  • Cuchara - Spoon

  • Plato - Plate

  • Vaso - Glass

Garage (Cochera)

The garage is where you keep your car and tools. It’s an essential part of the house, especially for those who love DIY projects.

Here are some useful terms in Mexican Spanish to describe this versatile space.

  • Coche / Carro - Car

  • Bicicleta - Bicycle

  • Herramientas - Tools

  • Caja de herramientas - Toolbox

  • Llanta - Tire

  • Aceite - Oil

  • Gasolina - Gasoline

  • Puerta de la cochera - Garage door

  • Banco de trabajo - Workbench

  • Linterna - Flashlight

Backyard (Patio / Jardín)

The backyard, or patio/jardín, is perfect for relaxation and fun. It’s a space where you can enjoy the outdoors and host gatherings.

Here’s the vocabulary in Mexican Spanish to describe everything you might find in this area.

  • Patio - Patio

  • Jardín - Garden

  • Césped - Lawn

  • Parrilla - Grill

  • Silla de jardín - Lawn chair

  • Mesa de jardín - Patio table

  • Sombrilla - Umbrella

  • Maceta - Flowerpot

  • Alberca / Piscina - Pool

  • Juguetes - Toys

Additional Useful Words

Here are some extra words in Mexican Spanish that are useful when talking about your house in general:

  • Puerta - Door

  • Pared - Wall

  • Techo - Roof

  • Piso - Floor

  • Escalera - Stairs

  • Ventilador - Fan

  • Aire acondicionado - Air conditioner

  • Calefacción - Heating

  • Timbre - Doorbell

  • Llave - Key

Practice Makes Perfect

Learning these words in Mexican Spanish is just the beginning.

To truly master them, try using them in sentences and everyday conversations.

For example, you could say:

  • Voy a la cocina a preparar la cena. (I’m going to the kitchen to prepare dinner.)

  • Necesito una nueva almohada para mi cama. (I need a new pillow for my bed.)

  • El baño necesita más papel higiénico. (The bathroom needs more toilet paper.)

Incorporating these words into your daily routine will make you more comfortable and confident in your Spanish. Keep practicing; soon, describing your home in Mexican Spanish will become second nature.

¡Buena suerte y hasta la próxima!

I hope this article helps you on your journey to fluency in Mexican Spanish.

Don’t forget, I now have a course 100% dedicated to helping you to build a BIG vocabulary in Mexican Spanish - The Spanish Vocabulary Supercharger.

Click HERE to join it today!!


How to Learn 50 Spanish Vocabulary Words per Week